UST & Septic Detection

Locating underground storage tanks (USTs) and detecting septic systems is of significant importance due to the potential risks and benefits associated with their identification, management, or removal. There are several reasons to consider these services, including: environmental protection, environmental remediation, health and safety, regulatory compliance, and property transaction and development.

Key Applications

• Full property sweeps for orphaned/unknown USTs
• Known UST footprint and orientation delineation
• Septic structure detection (sub-grade tanks, distribution boxes, leach fields, laterals, and other
piping, etc.)
• Property transactions and/or unknown source evaluations


• EM61
• EM31
• Fisher TW-6 electromagnetic instrument
• Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
• Radio Frequency (RF) line locator

The importance of locating USTs or detecting septic systems lies in the prevention of environmental contamination, protection of human health and safety, adherence to regulators, and potential cost savings. It is a proactive measure that not only mitigates risks but also facilitates responsible property management and development.

For more information on our multi-faceted services approach, email Dermot Dillon at You can also use our convenient “Start-a-Project” page to provide details about your scope of work and upload reference documents. A Summit representative will respond promptly.

UST & Septic Detection

The importance of locating USTs or detecting septic systems lies in the prevention of environmental contamination, protection of human health and safety, adherence to regulators, and potential cost savings.

Summit’s geophysical professionals utilize a wide variety of technology, including:

• EM61
• EM31
• Fisher TW-6 electromagnetic instrument
• Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
• Radio Frequency (RF) line locator