Landfill Services

Summit’s remediation division has many years of experience and a wide range of services to support environmental consultants working with landfill owners. Our primary goal is to safely and efficiently provide the technical expertise needed to manage waste handling, equipment operation and environmental control systems. Summit is a trusted partner to consultants who address a variety of environmental concerns commonly associated with landfill operations and their potential environmental impacts.

Our landfill services support consultants and engineers in their efforts to provide:
• Site Assessments that evaluate the current conditions of a landfill (including soil and groundwater quality, potential
contamination, and compliance with environmental regulations).
• Compliance Monitoring (permitting requirements, emissions monitoring, and reporting).
• Leachate Management (prevent potential groundwater contamination, including proper treatment or disposal).
• Groundwater Monitoring programs (assess the impact of landfill operations on local groundwater quality).
• Environmental Impact Assessments (proposed landfill expansions or modifications and impact mitigation
• Remediation and Site Cleanup (if contamination is identified).

Summit’s remediation divisions put strong emphasis on collaboration. From understanding compliance and health and safety practices, to waste handling and site maintenance requirements, we adhere to the plans developed by environmental consultants to ensure that potentially hazardous materials are managed appropriately. We are well known for our landfill site maintenance work. We help consultants with assessments, regulatory compliance, landfill erosion, stormwater systems, and mitigating the spread of contaminants.

For more information on our multi-faceted services approach, email Dermot Dillon at You can also use our convenient “Start-a-Project” page to provide details about your scope of work and upload reference documents. A Summit representative will respond promptly.

Landfill Services

Summit and SAEDACCO bring more than 30 years of remediation experience to support the needs of environmental consultants, Licensed Site Remediation Professionals(LSRPs) and consulting engineers up and down the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States.

Our capabilities are multifaceted and include:
• Soil Excavation
• Remediation Systems Installations & Fabrication
• Groundwater Management and Treatment
• Landfill Restoration, Capping & Stabilization
• UST/AST Removal
• Shoreline Stabilization
• Demolition